So the song "Extreme Ways (Bourne's Ultimatum)"... track 10 from the "Bourne Ultimatum Soundtrack" has been running through my mind, car stereo and iPod nonstop. You know how some songs seem to elicit a certain image or scene in your mind's eye? As this song was blaring on my car stereo while Jon and I were out the other night we formulated the BEST FILM SCENE EVER!

So here's how it goes down... It bears a slight resemblance to the opening scene of "Reservoir Dogs". Now I'm no Quintin Terantino, but Jon and my idea is 1,000,000 times better, at least! The scene is of course is all happening with the above mentioned song playing in the background. Two guys (Jon and my self) roll up to a curb in a jet black Escalade. The doors open and we get out of the car [all happening in slow motion]. We both have black suits on, white shirts with an unbuttoned collar, black tie still around our necks but with a loosened knot. [The viewer has no idea who these guys are and how they got there or even if they are good guys or bad guys.] One of us has a bit of a gash on our face, looking disheveled like we have been in a fight... the other bobbing his head as if he is jamming to the music being played to the sound track of the movie. The guy with the gash reaches into his coat pocket and pulls out a crushed pack of cigarettes [which got crushed in the fight he was in], and pulls one out [the last one], that is bent [because he in a fight], and he puts it in his mouth. He pulls out a Zippo lighter and in slow motion, whips open the top in a swift motion. The camera takes a closeup slow motion view of the sparks flying off of the flint as the wick of the lighter bursts into flame. At the instant the flame ignites the camera pulls out to reveal a massive fireball-explosion that destroys the hideout of the bad guys as Jon and I walk away.
We are not sure if this should be the beginning or end of a movie. Or maybe it should just be stretched out into one continuous movie!
So yeah, am I the only one who makes up these crazy scenes in their heads like this?
Well, needless to say, Jon and I need some investment capital to film this. So any film producers, feel free to leave contact info and we will get back to you and tell you where to mail the check.
We are not sure if this should be the beginning or end of a movie. Or maybe it should just be stretched out into one continuous movie!
So yeah, am I the only one who makes up these crazy scenes in their heads like this?
Well, needless to say, Jon and I need some investment capital to film this. So any film producers, feel free to leave contact info and we will get back to you and tell you where to mail the check.
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