Be sure to stay tuned to this blog over the next couple of weeks. There are some fundamental changes in the works for this blog.

January 24, 2009

My most recent ADD preoccupations.

Given the cold weather, I have been spending a great deal of time indoors. My anxiousness (self diagnosed ADD is what I call it) has lead me to take up a new "hobby" of taking apart and messing around with computers. I have taught my self how to to set up a home network of computers, share files and printers between them an how to reformat reinstall an OS on a PC. Admittedly these are very simple tasks that a 5th grader could probably do these days, but I have this inherent fear of the "complexity" of doing such things. Now that I am learning, I am contemplating building my own PC to replace the old crappy one I own. I wonder what skills my ADD will draw me to next?

In other news, I recently watched the movie "Kinsey" with Emily. It is about Alfred Kinsey, who did some of the first ever studies on human sexuality. It was his ground breaking studies on such taboo topics that finally showed that homosexuality was not a mental illness, masturbation would not make you go blind and females do indeed experience orgasms (despite what many confused men out there may think)!

His approach to human sexuality however was entirely scientific (in the movie at least) and focused only on the desires and habits expressed by humans and not the emotional and rational aspects (like love, trust and fidelity). This was very shocking and disturbing to watch because everyone talked very candidly about sex and many of the married couples helping with Kinsey's research slept around with each other under the premise that it was simply their natural biological urges. I may just have to read his reports on human sexuality. What a surprise, I watch a movie that encourages me to read more books on more topics... good thing for that overactive mind of mine!

January 20, 2009

Today we live history.

Today we have lived history. Our nation, founded upon the principles of liberty and freedom has just inaugurated the first African American as president of this great Republic. The occurence of this historic event the day after a holiday commemorating Martin Luther King Jr. almost suggests a divine guiding force watching over this land. In Dr. King's time, he proclaimed that all men will be judged by the content of their character and not the color of their skin. Today I urge everyone to judge President Obama by the content of his character, and not the color of his skin. He must be judged by the content of his character just as any President before him, democrat or republican has been.

Today we make history, but history is the past. The actions and character of this President right now is what we should scrutinize and concern our selves with as this Republic is lead by him.

It should be no surprise (review these posts, 1 and 2) to the reader that I do not agree with many of the ideas proposed by the new President nor did I vote for him. My core values and beliefs remain steadfast, but something happened between this morning and now, Barack Obama became your President... he became my President... he became our President. (Review this post for more of my post-election feelings.)

Now it is our civic duty to support our President in leading us, learning all we can about the direction this country is being guided and when necessary, thoughtfully question our leader when his path that may not be aligned with that of the people of this Nation.

May God bless America!

January 15, 2009

Oh what a sory excuse for a blog.

I would imagine that to close out 2008 and begin 2009, everyone would be blogging about New Years resolutions and sharing their stories of what they did for their holidays. Not me... I just drop off the face of the virtual Earth!

I do feel bad for the lack of blog posts, but with the winter dreariness I have been feeling rather lethargic and uninspired. I could make a New Years resolution to write more posts, but that would just be lame.

The general consensus from most people I know is that New Years resolutions do not work so they are not even making them to begin with. I did make a list of a few things I would like to do in 2009 though, some I will share here.

  1. Expand my knowledge through reading 15pp per day. (Already behind on that one!)
  2. Expand my career by building a professional network, taking on new initiatives and learning new skills.
  3. Keep in touch with friends more.
  4. Do some charity work.
There's more... we shall see how it goes.

At the moment I have been contemplating some news from a friend of mine who shall remain anonymous for reasons of privacy. An aunt of theirs was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer at the age of 52 and given 6 months to live. That's pretty heavy stuff. My first thought (I am not even being dramatic here) was, "What would I leave behind as an accomplishment if that happened to me?"

Given these events, perhaps I should look a little more closely at what my resolutions should be for this year.