Be sure to stay tuned to this blog over the next couple of weeks. There are some fundamental changes in the works for this blog.

January 14, 2008

Figuring out how to re-light the fire (under my ass) on these cold cloudy winter days.

For what ever reason, much of my motivation and focus seems to have dried up since Friday. I am feeling frustrated with the whole graduate school thing at the moment. I do have just a few months left though, but am still feeling frustrated.

The pay is terrible, the hours are long and tedious and the benefits are meager. It is disconcerting every time I consider my finances for the coming months as I will be assuming a student loan debt that totals about half of an entire mortgage for a house! Getting a full time job as a chemist will help improve much of these things, but the job market around here seems pretty slim. At all costs, I just need to motivate my self to keep looking I guess.

In the mean time I have shown some initiative in starting a new training program. I am planning on running in a 5K at the American Chemical Society in New Orleans. Also I have been playing around (a little too much!) with this blog. New year and new look. I have to thank the “Tips for New Bloggers” blog for the step by step instructions on how to convert my existing two column template to a three column template. I am not well versed in understanding computer code… but I know enough to tweak things a little.

I like the new look! Thanks for bearing with me through the changes as things looked a lot worse before I figured it out and made it look better.

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