Be sure to stay tuned to this blog over the next couple of weeks. There are some fundamental changes in the works for this blog.

August 13, 2011

At the figurative Summit of Mt McKinley… and HUNGRY!

One of the major activities that has been taking up my time energy and effort since finishing up planning the wedding has been training for the Rochester MVP Marathon. This year is finally going to be the year where I take the plunge and run the full marathon (that’s 26.2 miles). As help, I joined up with the Fleet Feet distance training group. Lately I have ben astonished with my progress because just a couple summers ago, I was physically unable to run from such severe acid reflux stomach problems.


Today I capped off an epic 18 mile training run (loop 1 & loop 2). A first for me. If you recall one of my earlier posts about “running mountains” (here and here), today’s run was the scaled equivalent of climbing Mount McKinley.

The great thing about running these distances is the massive amount of caloric intake your body needs. For the next three days, I will crave eating everything in sight. If I avoid all those acid reflux triggers like deep fried foods (which I have) it all works out.

It is really astonishing how the human body works and what it is really capable of.

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