Be sure to stay tuned to this blog over the next couple of weeks. There are some fundamental changes in the works for this blog.

September 9, 2011

10 Years ago... yesterday - 9/8/01

I'm going to write a short series of posts this weekend reflecting on the 10th anniversary of September 11.  I know, my self diagnosed ADD is taking me all over the place in terms of topics these days, but I feel compelled to write as the ideas come.  After all, the events of 9/11 affected me pretty deeply and had a pretty significant effect on shaping me in the past decade.  It deserves some pause and exploration.

Ten years ago yesterday was 9/8/01.  It was a Saturday.  It was only my third weekend away from home attending college at Nazareth.  It was a time before blogging became as popular as it is today.  Facebook was still a figment of Mark Zuckerberg's imagination and the internet was still somewhat of a new technolgy present in day to day life.  I was into toying around with the internet in high school, so I built my own web page (Titled "Take a Seat Next to Me")and taught my self how to code simple HTML.  I was much more of a nerd then than I was now.  (Who am I kidding... I'm still a nerd.  Probably more so!)

Here is what I wrote to the jouirnal page on Saturday, September 8, 2001.  Ten years ago from yesterday. No editing, just the words I wrote that day.

Saturday, September 8, 2001

    Well after another very busy week of college I am enjoying the weekend. It's so fricken hot in our room! If anyone back home just happens to have an extra air conditioner lying around, please send it to O'Connor 2 Rm. 417. Thank you!

    Well, I am starting my job next week. I have the best job. I am getting paid for doing nothing right now because our training session ended at 12 but was scheduled to go until 3 so we get paid till 3. I am working in the computer service department so I get paid to watch the computer labs, help people out and do my homework. It's an awesome job! Now with my schedule getting filled up my goals for next week include mastering time management. We will see how that goes!

I find it funny that I mention mastering time management.  That's something I have yet to do a decade later!  This is just typical activities and concerns in the quiet world of an average college freshmen.

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