Be sure to stay tuned to this blog over the next couple of weeks. There are some fundamental changes in the works for this blog.

September 6, 2011

Only 14 miles. (!)

I’m in the taper phase of my marathon training program.  For those of you who are not into the running thing, when training for a marathon he longest of the long runs will take place 3 weeks beforehand and it is typically about 20 to 22 miles.  Mine was about 21 miles.  you typically cut back your weekly mileage in the three weeks before the marathon race.   A 21 mile run puts me just above the altitude of Huascaran according to my “running mountains” approach of breaking down this goal.

Earlier today I was talking to a co-worker regarding my training and I said, “Yeah, I only ran 14 miles yesterday.”  Only 14 miles!  I never thought I would make it to a point where 14 miles is psychologically considered a relatively easy weekend long run for me.

I think this may be a sign I am ready to tackle the big 26.2.

By the way... I attended my 10 year High School reunion this past weekend.  I will comment on that next (plus I still owe the reader one more post on Atlas Shrugged).

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