Be sure to stay tuned to this blog over the next couple of weeks. There are some fundamental changes in the works for this blog.

March 5, 2011

"Private Life" has gone dark again.

Private Life in a Glass House Blog has gone dark again, but it is never too late to turn the lights back on. For close to three and a half years I have been posting here on and off and I am again returning from a rather long three month hiatus. It is kind of hard to figure out precisely what to write about and what my blog should focus on even though there is a lot going on in my life and my mind is always working a mile a minute. I am always commenting on some recent news story, my recent efforts at running and some personal events in my life but the posts seem to follow the random path of an ADD inflicted Blogger with zero attention span.

One idea that I came across was to use blogging as a means to be more productive at work (#4 on the list). My personal favorite from this list is "#2 - Bring your dog." That sounds pretty awesome... but I think the bosses might frown upon having a dog wandering around the offices and it may be a safety risk.

My bosses would be a bit disappointed if I were to spend time on the clock writing to my personal blog, it may help to try it out at home on my own time a bit. This idea has added accountability to my training and races, so it's worth a shot. To sum up some of the more recent activities going on in my life.
  1. On the job I am focusing on performing and documenting calibration checks for a fleet of 10 instruments located throughout the building. Pretty good considering that just about 2 to 3 years ago, I didn't even know how to operate these particular instruments.
  2. Wedding plans... invitations, bachelor party, order of events, ceremony music. All that stuff has been occupying Emily and my time.
  3. Training for the Flower City Half Marathon. I will be running my first race next weekend. A 5 mile St. Patric's day run.
More details to follow.

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