Be sure to stay tuned to this blog over the next couple of weeks. There are some fundamental changes in the works for this blog.

September 3, 2010

Don't blink... Summer is almost ov... oh, there it goes!

Summer 2010 is now over (albeit, unofficially) and I have done a poor job of blogging about it.

I will take an opportunity right now to touch on my progress with running this summer and where I stand with that. I'd also like to post some pictures of my recent trip to New York City as well.

July 11 was a big milestone for me in that I ran the Utica Boilermaker 15k (9.3 miles) race for the first time. This happened after years of forgetting to register on time, and having one excuse after another. I wish I had done it sooner! Not only was this the first time I ran this particular race but it was also the first race at a distance over 10k (6.2 miles). About 7 miles in, a feeling of "Yes, I am actually doing this!" set in. That was followed up after the finish by an adrenaline fueled feeling of "Yeah... I feel like I could push my body a little further." That's a great thing considering I am running the Rochester Half marathon in 9 days.

With about 13,000 runners, it was also the largest race I have ever participated in. It goes without saying that the post race party was a great time. Got to meet up with several fellow runners from Nazareth and Coach Love.

I ran a time of 1:22:31, which is fine since I really have no particular frame of reference for what to expect as I run races of such a distance. I experienced some tightness of my Achilles tendons during the 7-8th miles but pushed through it. My legs stood up quite well to the race but in the weeks following I did experience some pain in my foot that kept me from doing much running in the week after. With rigorous ankle and foot strengthening exercises, icing, careful cross training and slowly resuming running, I bounced back pretty well.

Stay tuned, the big one... Rochester Half Marathon is looming on the horizon!

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