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October 8, 2009

Why wouldn't you get the H1N1 vaccine? No really... why?

Everyone has probably herd about this H1N1 (A.K.A. Swine flue) and the vaccine that has recently come out for it. Great, right? Dole out those vaccinations and get everyone cured ASAP!

Well, that's not exactly the sentiment among the masses these days. Especially in New York where health care workers are being mandated to receive the vaccine (drawing protests). In a recent Consumer Reports poll, 21% of those polled said they would definitely not get the vaccine. Some mothers are freaking out about the prospect of the government forcing the vaccination of their children.

But of course those people refusing the vaccination are aluminum-foil hat wearing conspiracy theory nutcases, right? I mean there were mandated vaccinations for me to go into college, like meningitis. Now that disease can lead to loss of entire limbs... so by all means, vaccinate the hell out of me for that one! But I can kind of see where those aluminum-foil hat wearing conspiracy theory nutcases are coming from.

Let's take a look back:
  • Bill Clinton said "I did not have sexual relations with that woman." ... He did.
  • George Bush said Iraq possessed Weapons of Mass destruction... they did not.
  • Barrack Obama said we must pass the stimulus package to keep unemployment from going above 8%... we're currently sitting at 9.8%
  • Then there's of course the various Senators, Congressman and Cabinet members with their own slew of tax problems and legal issues.
  • And... let's not forget the issues behind Viox, Zycam and numerous other medications the pharmaceutical companies claimed were safe.
Now these same people in the government are telling us we should get the H1N1 Flue vaccine. Hmmm...

It seems to me that the real issue here is not people's fear of the vaccine, but rather a lack of trust in who is urging us to take it. It's a modern day real life story of "The Boy Who Cried Wolf".

Now I am not saying you should refuse the vaccine if recommended! You need to do your own homework for coming to that personal decision. But I can understand why some might be apprehensive.

I mean really... we're only talking about trusting the government here. And they have been spot-on with EVERYTHING over the past 15 years, am I right? :-p
Trust your own instincts.

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