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March 10, 2008

Oh great! Something else for the church to make me feel guilty about.

I doubt anyone really heard about this gem of a news story because later in the day everything was overshadowed by allegations of NYS governor Eliot Spitzer being involved in a prostitution ring (!!! yeah... that one really took me by surprise), but did anyone hear about the new modern 7 deadly sins proclaimed by the Catholic church?

Click here and here to read more about it.

The new list of the 7 deadly sins are as follows:
  1. Genetic modification.
  2. Human experimentations.
  3. Polluting the environment.
  4. Social injustice.
  5. Causing poverty.
  6. Financial gluttony.
  7. Taking drugs.
(The bold items I have particular problem with.)

It is things like this that cause me to have problems with the Catholic Church. I want to be clear that it is the Church I have problem with and not the Religion. The Church is run by man who is fallible and subject to political and social influence in order to establish Church doctrine as they see fit.

When I go to church on Sunday am I supposed to feel guilty now because I do not drive a hybrid car? Am I suposed to feel guilty because I am a scientist and believe that human experimentation and genetic modification has lead to advances that have helped improve the quality of life for millions of people? Am I supposed to feel guilty because I am working hard and have a job and am financially well off?

Hmmm... honestly, I don't think I am going to lose a wink of sleep over it.

I'm sorry Pope... I still believe in God and the Religion, but your Church is not going to have this sheep amidst its flock.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

For me, man is like cheese...

Please take some time and reflect on that.