Be sure to stay tuned to this blog over the next couple of weeks. There are some fundamental changes in the works for this blog.

January 15, 2008

Wow... And I thought I lacked motivation and focus!

As mentioned yesterday, I feel like I am lacking the ability to focus on some things in my life right now. But suddenly I am feeling better about my self!

Here's why. Given all of the problems with the economy, the failing housing market, increasing problems with the banking and loans industry, astronomical fuel and commodity prices and the fact that we have been at war for years you would think that congress and its leadership would be very busy addressing such issues.

Instead, they are leading an inquisition into steroid use in baseball and "Nanny" Nancy Pelosi is "greening up the Capitol" and revamping the cafeteria menu for the congressional representatives and their aids. Wow... talk about a lack of focus!

So as I look at my self, I realize it could be a lot worse... I could be a U.S. Congressman!

Yes, I do feel better about my self now. :-)

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