Be sure to stay tuned to this blog over the next couple of weeks. There are some fundamental changes in the works for this blog.

January 29, 2008

My "Zero Hour" has been set in stone.

At last week's group meeting for the Smith research group at RIT, my adviser (Tom Smith) started the meeting by listing off the string of dates that the department seminars will be held on. He then looked directly at Sidd and my self and said that those department seminars will include the thesis defense talks of this year's round of MS candidates (that's us).

*Deer in the headlights look on my face*

Tom now addressing me: "Glen I am looking for you to defend sometime in the beginning of April. What do you think? That would be either April 1 or April 15."

*Deer frozen in headlights with trembling legs*

Me: "Uhhhhh... ummmmm... I suppose that could work. Yes."

Tom: "So what date would you prefer."

*Semi-truck bearing down on frozen deer!*

Me: "Uhhhh... I'll have to think about it!"

Tom: "O.K. You let me know soon."

*Narrowly escaping passing semi*

So the weekend came, and motivated by the feeling of being scared to death over how soon this is coming, I began to write my thesis on Saturday! And after sleeping on it a few nights, I decided to set my defense date at *drum roll please* April 1.

So there it is. My "Zero Hour" has been set.

WOW! I have SO MUCH to do to prepare!

January 25, 2008

The spirit is still alive in me (and my legs).

Last night I saw one of the most inspirational movies I can recall (with Chris and Brad - fellow runners). It is called "Spirit of the Marathon" (IMDb profile here) and is a documentary that looks at the stories of 6 runners preparing for and running the Chicago Marathon. The runners involved include elite Olympians like Deena Kastor - 2004 Olympic Bronze Medalist - and first time marathoners running for charity like Lori O'Connor. There is even a man in his late 60's who has ran multiple marathons!

I was incredibly moved by this movie. I know it sounds cliché to say but, you can really see what the spirit and determination of the human mind and body is capable of. It is stories like this that inspire me to work hard not only in training but in every other aspect in my life. For that reason I recommend this movie to anyone in need of a feeling of inspiration and not just to runners.

I plan on buying this movie as soon as it is released on DVD. I also plan on buying some new shoes tonight and easing my way back into running next week. My foot is continually feeling better and I have races to run!


January 22, 2008

Playoffs... Eli Manning and playoffs... don't talk about Eli Manning and playoffs. Playoffs!

Wow... Eli Manning and the New York Giants defeating the Green Bay Packers. I never would have thunk it! So here is how I see it going down:

The undefeated Patriots against the wild card Superbowl hopeful NY Giants... you would think that it would be no contest, but... the stage is now set for the Patriots to receive back-to-back year ending loses to a quarterback from the Manning family! It would be unprecedented! It would be even more unprecedented than a team going 19-0 and taking the championship. It goes without say that a Giants win would rob the Pats of just that! It would be an all too "perfect" ending to the Patriots season.

Although... it would be very cool to see a team go completely undefeated with a 19-0 season.

I can go either way on this Superbowl. What I am really looking forward to is the copious amounts of beer, fried food and the halftime show... which my friends and I decided will consist of a "Dr. Mario" tournament (played on Tim's antique Nintendo) between all in attendance.

This past weekend Emily and I watched "Superbad". Definitely a funny movie. We laughed our asses off and keep referring to each other as "McLovin". Just watch the movie and you will know what I am talking about.

Also, here's something that's got me a little pissed off. I have taken it upon my self to start training again for races. Well, after a single 3 mile running workout last Tuesday on a treadmill, I ended up with sharp pains in my foot when ever I walked and stood up. It was so bad I could barely walk! I have since diagnosed my self with peroneal tendonitis. WTF! So much for resuming training. Already I am having to take a couple weeks off to recuperate.

I'm not quitting that easily though.

January 15, 2008

Wow... And I thought I lacked motivation and focus!

As mentioned yesterday, I feel like I am lacking the ability to focus on some things in my life right now. But suddenly I am feeling better about my self!

Here's why. Given all of the problems with the economy, the failing housing market, increasing problems with the banking and loans industry, astronomical fuel and commodity prices and the fact that we have been at war for years you would think that congress and its leadership would be very busy addressing such issues.

Instead, they are leading an inquisition into steroid use in baseball and "Nanny" Nancy Pelosi is "greening up the Capitol" and revamping the cafeteria menu for the congressional representatives and their aids. Wow... talk about a lack of focus!

So as I look at my self, I realize it could be a lot worse... I could be a U.S. Congressman!

Yes, I do feel better about my self now. :-)

January 14, 2008

Figuring out how to re-light the fire (under my ass) on these cold cloudy winter days.

For what ever reason, much of my motivation and focus seems to have dried up since Friday. I am feeling frustrated with the whole graduate school thing at the moment. I do have just a few months left though, but am still feeling frustrated.

The pay is terrible, the hours are long and tedious and the benefits are meager. It is disconcerting every time I consider my finances for the coming months as I will be assuming a student loan debt that totals about half of an entire mortgage for a house! Getting a full time job as a chemist will help improve much of these things, but the job market around here seems pretty slim. At all costs, I just need to motivate my self to keep looking I guess.

In the mean time I have shown some initiative in starting a new training program. I am planning on running in a 5K at the American Chemical Society in New Orleans. Also I have been playing around (a little too much!) with this blog. New year and new look. I have to thank the “Tips for New Bloggers” blog for the step by step instructions on how to convert my existing two column template to a three column template. I am not well versed in understanding computer code… but I know enough to tweak things a little.

I like the new look! Thanks for bearing with me through the changes as things looked a lot worse before I figured it out and made it look better.

January 11, 2008

Happy Friday... oh yeah, and happy 2008!

So, one of my New Years resolutions should have been to post more thoughts to my blog! My apologies for not putting anything here for so long.

My last three posts have been a brief recap of my adventures I had in New York City. I did so much there that even those three posts did not divulge all of the minute details, stories, and experiences I had while on that journey. I hope you enjoy reading it. I will enjoy having those details written down before I forget them.

Since that last post, Emily has returned home from her study abroad program in Wales. :-) I am grinning ear to ear over it. Life has been wonderful since her return as I now have my "partner in crime" back. We have been spending a lot of time with each other and catching up.

Emily and I spent some time with each other before Christmas. I traveled to Buffalo to visit my parents for Christmas ans see my family. I spent New Years with Emily as we visited a few of her friends. Her friends Bethany and Stephanie are loads of fun! I rang in the New Year at their apartment, drank a little too much and was seriously hung over the following day. Not a good experience the day after! I think I will avoid drinking like that again for a LONG time (I'm serious this time).

In other news on the academic front, during mid-December, I wrote and presented my interim seminar to my committee for my Masters Thesis. It went very well. I presented and was simultaneously questioned and cross-examined for about an hour and 45 minutes! It was very grueling, but my committee was quite impressed with my work. I have been given the go-ahead to finish up my research and start writing my thesis. EXCITING!

Additionally, the paper that I wrote and submitted to the American Chemical Society national conference (mentioned here) has been accepted for an oral presentation! So, I will be traveling to New Orleans this April to give a talk on it. Once again... EXCITING!

There's more to talk about, but at the moment my time is needed else ware. I promise, I will write more in due time.