Be sure to stay tuned to this blog over the next couple of weeks. There are some fundamental changes in the works for this blog.

September 10, 2007

Another work week commences.

It's been a while since I have posted. Personally I blame that on my job/school. Classes have begun last week and I have instituted a strict 10 hour work day (8AM to 6PM) into my schedule to increase productivity. I have been getting some very important high demand directives sent down from the chemists at B&L that are supervising my research and since they are also funding me... they are PRIORITY #1! I will give a bit more details about my job in time.

Yesterday Emily, Meridith (Em's roommate) and I ran the Bruegger's Bagels 5k Road race. The weather was a cool 65° with a cold rain. The weather was great for competative running. Much more comfortable than 90° and humid. I ran splits of 6:42 and (a surprising) 6:37 for the first and second mile then followed it up with a disappointing 8 minute third mile/finish. I still ran a season best by topping my Fishes and Loaves 5k by 9 seconds. Plus... I must give mega props to Emily (who admits she is not a runner) for topping her Fishes and Loaves 5k time by 2 minutes! GOOD JOB! This was only her second road race and she has already picked a third she wishes to do in late October. She is now a "runner in denial" as I say. :-) I am proud of you Em!

Now, very quick before I get to work, I direct your attention to the "Blogs of Note" section. "Jon's Exotic Adventures" is a relatively new blog by a former teammate of mine from Nazareth. This guy graduated last year and will be going to Mozambique with the Peace Core to teach science for 27 months! I find that very impressive. It is going to be quite an adventure to follow. Also, if you want to learn more about the city I live in, read Richard Shade Gardner's blog. This guy actually hiked around Lake Ontario, Lake Erie and dozens of other lakes in the Finger Lake region of New York! I also recommend The "Freakonomics" Blog is quite interesting and one that I read frequently. If you enjoyed the book you will enjoy the blog.

I'm out! Time to be productive!

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