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August 23, 2011

The Ballad of John Galt

If you tune into the "Recent Reads" list to the left, you probably noticed that I have been reading Atlas Shrugged for quite some time. It is over 1000 pages long and I am nearing the end! The conclusion contains a 60 page monologue given by John Galt that distills the substance of author Ayn Rand's philosophy into the following simple statement.

Man has a right to exist.

Brilliant. Furthermore, Man exists solely for him self. In other words Man's end (or purpose) is him self. Man is his own end and not the means to another man's end. This would make him a slave.

Galt continues with a modification of Descartes famous statement, "I think, therefore I am." into I think therefore I exist. Meaning rationality, our ability to think, is what permits us to exist for our selves. We are the only living beings who rationally have a choice to live for our selves or perish. All other animals and plants live instinctively. Man does not.

Why does this matter? Why do I care?

It is often the men of the mind, the thinkers... the inventors, scientists, engineers, business owners, founders and CEO's of companies that make the world work through their thinking. They are also the ones that today in real life (as in the novel) are vilified because they make profit in doing so. Galt's message illustrates there is no problem with man is profiting from his very existence and rationality. ***I hear the reader screaming rebuttals at their monitor and pointing out flaws to this... don't worry, I will address them in coming posts.

Stick with me over the next few posts because I'm going to get into many more aspects of this novel and how it relates to our world today.

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