One thing is important to note here, the violence is something that should not be politicized as both conservatives and liberals are or have demonstrated violent behavior. (Examples of violence from liberal sources here - and here)
It simply makes no sense to politicise this behavior because it reduces us to the level of children bickering and finger-pointing on a playground. Violence will do nothing more than marginalize the views of those committing the violent acts. Consirvitive voices will be ignored because Tea Party members are considered violent gun toting bigots. Liberal voices will be ignored because they are considered tree hugging hippies. Neither of these generalizations are true.
Over the past year or so I have urged family and friends to make a difference not by picking up a brick, but by picking up their pen/phone/computer and writing a letter, e-mail or making a phone call. This is what our founders did as they penned the Declaration of Independence and our Constitution. I hope and pray that our country is not entering into a period of revolution that turned violent as it did during the 1960's. If we follow that road, we will end up with a revolution like that of France where heads were rolling in the streets.