Be sure to stay tuned to this blog over the next couple of weeks. There are some fundamental changes in the works for this blog.

March 8, 2009

26 Years ago this past Friday…

Once again I have gone a few weeks without posting. Shame shame on me! It has been hard to motivate myself to write much, but there's always something on my mind.

I recently celebrated my 26th birthday. I know I am still young but 26 seems a bit scary to me! Thirty is suddenly looking closer than twenty.

Overall, I am very proud of what I have accomplished on this planet in the 26 years I have worked through. I have earned my B.S. and M.S. degrees, landed a good job and somehow in this economy have managed to hold on to it. I have a great relationship with a wonderful charming young woman. ;-) I have done some traveling, read lots of books, done some exciting scientific research and learned a lot about the way the world works. Through the process I have asked many questions and answered a few along the way as well. Another year older, another year wiser.

I am excited about what the coming years have to offer and what questions I can answer along the way. I will keep you the reader clued into this as much as I can.

Three things I must comment on in the days to come

  1. I organized a "Tea Party" of my own.
  2. T. O. signing with the Bills!? WTF? Is this a blessing or a curse upon the Bills?
  3. I also must wish a happy birthday to my cousin Eric who shares my birthday of March 5th. Born 10 years after me… almost to the minute!

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